The Red Poppy Experiment

Follow the adventures of one woman as she wears her red poppy all year round.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Got a new one!

I went to a games night at my friend's house last night. As I was playing with her daughter and a couple of the other kids who were there, I pranced by a container that held a poppy, along with other junk, such as bobby pins, pennies and elastic bands.

I stopped dead in my tracks.

I picked up the poppy as if it were a delicate flower and in a hushed tone, I turned to my friend and said:

"Can I have this?"

She gave me a strange look, I guess wondering why I was treating the poppy so reverently.

"Yeah, go ahead."

I immediately told the kids to bug off, then I bolted towards the coat closet and pinned the poppy on my collar.

I'm back in business kids!


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